Protecting The Prostate

How to Fight Prostate Cancer

Over the past few years Prostate Cancer has been targeted by health authorities as the largest hidden killer of […]

Prostate FAQs

Healthy Prostate Products

What You Should Know

Superfoods for a Healthy Prostate

The prostate gland has a reputation as a health destroyer. Hypertrophy of the prostate gland, which affects nearly every elderly male, strangles the urethra. This troublesome condition makes urination difficult and increases the risk of bladder infections and kidney damage. However, there are many superfoods that may already be a part of your everyday diet that can help thwart the onset of prostate problems. Tomatoes, watermelons, red grapefruit, papaya and red berries are all great sources of lycopene, a health-promoting plant pigment known for its cancer-battling ability. […]

New Study Examines Antioxidant Impact on Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer as one of the most common types of cancer in men according to the American Cancer Society. Fortunately if caught early, the prognosis is good. Even better than treating it, is of course, avoiding it altogether. The search for the cause of prostate cancer is ongoing and a recent study was recently completed. An eight year study of 29,361 men has just been completed. The study examined the impact of antioxidant supplements on the rate of prostate cancer. “There has been definite interest in their […]

7 Things Every Man Should Know About the Prostate

Next time you see your father, your uncle, or any older gentleman over age 60 or so, ask them about their prostate. If you know the guy well enough, and he feels comfortable enough around you (some would say too comfortable), he will surely share a whole litany of the common prostate problems that are troubling him, or have troubled him, or will trouble him in the near future. That’s because an enlarged prostate, benign prostatic hypertrophy, and even prostate cancer can be in the cards for […]

Prostate Cancer: The Man Killer

Prostate health is one of the most important aspects of a man’s health. Prostate health is something that should be treated with a balanced diet your whole life. Prostate cancer is VERY serious and will kill you if not diagnosed early and treated. Prostate cancer is a condition where prostate cells grow exponentially and out of control. It is the most common cancer associated with men, and can lead to many complications, one rather large one being that you die. Since prostate cancer is one of the […]